Message from the CEO

"Africa’s growing demand for energy inspires and strengthen our purpose to strive for innovative solutions and push boundaries to unlock the petroleum value chain ensuring a sustainable energy to propel our continent forward. Synergia is well poised to lead the way in the creation of integrated petroleum supply chain solutions and implementation of regional “Oil & Gas economies” in Sub-Saharan Africa."

- Wilson Lekota, President & CEO, Synergia


Deliver integrated energy solutions to Sub-Saharan energy market through striving for excellence in infrastructure project delivery, operations, supply chain and consistently searching for petroleum value and supply chain solutions.


To be an innovative, world class energy partner unlocking Africa’s petroleum value chain through delivering long term, sustainable value and industry-leading performance

Synergia looks to deliver long term energy solutions to service the growing African market.

Secure Africa’s energy demands

Explore, develop and produce hydrocarbon resources in a sustainable manner with a strategic objective of securing Africa’s future energy demands.

Clean Fuel

Supply clean, quality fuel in line with international standards and quality specifications.

A leading petroleum company

Invest in innovative fuel supply chain solutions to position ourselves as a leading petroleum supply chain company on the African continent

Strategic Partnership

Forge long-term strategic partnerships within the petroleum value chain to unlock Africa’s energy supply chain potential

Capacity builder

Build in-house technical and supply chain capacity to sustainably grow our upstream and downstream business segments

Deliver value to shareholders

Deliver shareholder value by increasing the net asset value of the company through successful Oil&Gas discoveries, Infrastructure project delivery, penetration and consolidation of new energy markets.